ggplot2 in a nutshell

  • Package for statistical graphics
  • Developed by Hadley Wickham
  • Designed to adhere to good graphical practices
  • Supports a wide variety of plot types
  • Constructs plots using the concept of layers
  • For reference material refer to: or Wickham's book
    • ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis


qplot() is the basic workhorse of ggplot2

  • produces all plot types available with ggplot2
  • allows for plotting options within the function statement
  • creates an object that can be saved
  • plot layers can be added to modify plot complexity

qplot() structure

qplot() function has the following syntax:

qplot(variables, plot type, dataset, options)

  • variables: list of variables used for the plot
  • plot type: specified with a geom = statement
  • dataset: specified with a data = statement
  • options: there are so, so many options!

NBA data

We will explore the NBA draft data set using ggplot2 for basic plotting. We will learning more advanced styling techniques is subsequent lessons.

nba <- read.csv("NBA Draft Class.csv")
##   Year Pick Team            Player Position
## 1 2008    1  CHI      Derrick Rose       PG
## 2 2008    2  MIA   Michael Beasley       SF
## 3 2008    3  MIN         O.J. Mayo       SG
## 4 2008    4  SEA Russell Westbrook       PG
## 5 2008    5  MEM        Kevin Love       PF
## 6 2008    6  NYK  Danilo Gallinari       SF
##                                 College Games Minutes Total.Points
## 1                 University of Memphis   289   10583         6017
## 2               Kansas State University   409   10170         5416
## 3     University of Southern California   435   14132         6447
## 4 University of California, Los Angeles   440   14932         8834
## 5 University of California, Los Angeles   364   11933         6989
## 6                            NoAttempts   285    8923         4138
##   Total.Rebounds Total.Assists Field.Goal.Percentage
## 1           1103          1954                 0.460
## 2           2007           539                 0.450
## 3           1414          1292                 0.433
## 4           2171          3045                 0.433
## 5           4453           898                 0.451
## 6           1327           546                 0.419
##   Three.Point.Percentage Free.Throw.Percentage Points.Per.Game
## 1                  0.312                 0.815            20.8
## 2                  0.348                 0.758            13.2
## 3                   0.38                 0.821            14.8
## 4                  0.305                 0.815            20.1
## 5                  0.362                 0.815            19.2
## 6                  0.369                 0.844            14.5
##   Rebounds.Per.Game Assists.Per.Game Win.Share     X
## 1               3.8              6.8      29.8 0.135
## 2               4.9              1.3      10.3 0.048
## 3               3.3              3.0      19.1 0.065
## 4               4.9              6.9      42.3 0.136
## 5              12.2              2.5      47.0 0.189
## 6               4.7              1.9      23.9 0.129


We first create a basic scatter plot of Win Share vs. Points Per Game. However, we must first load the ggplot2 library.


Here we call qplot() with the following structure:

  • Points.Per.Game: \(x\)-axis data points
  • Win.Share: \(y\)-axis data points
  • data = nba: tells us the data frame being used
  • geom = "point": tells us that we are going to plot each point that is, create a scatter plot
  • main = "…": denotes the title of our plot

qplot(Points.Per.Game,Win.Share, data = nba, geom = "point",
      main = " Scatterplot of Win Shares vs. Points Per Game") # Title


Showing the versitility of options in qplot():

qplot(Points.Per.Game,Win.Share, data = nba, geom = "point",
      colour = Position, # Assign colors based upon player position
      main = "Win Share vs Points Per Game, Grouped by Player Position") # Title

To be explicit:

  • colour = Position: parameter to color each point by its position
  • main = "…": denotes the title of our plot

Your Turn

  1. Create a scatterplot showing the relationship between Field Goal Percentage and Rebounds Per Game with Rebounds Per Game on the \(y\)-axis.
  2. Use options within qplot() to color points by position.
  3. Add a regression line using the geom_smooth(method = "lm",aes(group = 1)) command.



qplot(Field.Goal.Percentage,Rebounds.Per.Game, data = nba, geom = "point",
      main = "Rebounds Per Game vs. Field Goal Percentage") 


qplot(Field.Goal.Percentage,Rebounds.Per.Game, data = nba, geom = "point",
      colour = Position, # Assign colors based upon player position
      main = "Rebounds Per Game vs. Field Goal Percentage") 


qplot(Field.Goal.Percentage,Rebounds.Per.Game, data = nba, geom = "point",
      colour = Position, # Assign colors based upon player position
      main = "Rebounds Per Game vs. Field Goal Percentage") +
      geom_smooth(method = "lm",aes(group = 1))


Basic histogram of player positions

qplot(Points.Per.Game,data = nba, geom = "histogram",
      fill = I("orange"), # Fills each bar orange
      color = I("black"), # Outline bars in black
      main = "Histogram of Points Per Game") # Title


Here we create a facet plot, that is a plot with multiple groups. In particular, our groups are the player positions.

qplot(Points.Per.Game,data = nba, geom = "histogram",
      facets =.~Position,
      binwidth = .6, # binwidth is the length of each rectangle
      main = "Histogram of Points Per Game Faceted by Positions") # Title

Your Turn

  1. Looking at a histogram, is there a position that seems to contribute least to win shares?
  2. How does changing the bin width parameter affect the readability of the plot?



qplot(Win.Share,data = nba, geom = "histogram",
      facets =.~Position,
      binwidth = 1, # binwidth is the length of each rectangle
      main = "Histogram of Win Shares Faceted by Positions") # Title

More shooting guards had very low win shares than other positions.


This is personal preference, but a small bin width is more readible for facetted plots.


Side by side boxplot of points per game within each position:

qplot(Position,Points.Per.Game,data = nba, geom = "boxplot",
      main = "Box Plot of Points Per Game by Position")


Side by side boxplot of log points per game within position groups with jittered values overlayed.

qplot(Position,log(Points.Per.Game),data = nba, geom = "boxplot",
      main = "Box Plot of log Points Per Game Grouped by Position with Jittered Values") +
  geom_jitter(alpha = I(.25))

Your Turn

  1. Make side by side boxplots of win shares for each draft class. Use as.factor(Year) for the \(x\)-axis.
  2. Overlay jittered points for observed values onto this boxplot.
  3. Can we make a claim over which draft class is superior?



qplot(as.factor(Year),Win.Share,data = nba, geom = "boxplot",
      main = "Box Plot of win shares Grouped by Draft Class") 


qplot(as.factor(Year),Win.Share,data = nba, geom = "boxplot",
      main = "Box Plot of win shares Grouped by Draft Class") +
  geom_jitter(alpha = I(.35))


Comparing medians, 2008 has the highest win shares. However, this should be expected as those players have been in the league for 6 years, as opposed to the 2013 class that has only been in the NBA for 1 year. Using the data up until 2014, the class of 2008 is the most superior.


Barplot of different positions that were drafted in the first round from 2008-2013

qplot(Position,data = nba, geom = "bar", 
      main = "Bar Plot of Positions Drafted")


Bar plot of different positions that were drafted in the first round from 2008-2013 faceted by years

qplot(Position,data = nba, geom = "bar",
      facets = .~Year, 
      main = "Bar Plot of Positions Drafted Faceted by Position")

Your Turn

  1. Create a bar plot for the assists per game facet by position
  2. Which position class seems to have the least assists per game?

Challenge: Did the University of Kentucky or University of Kansas provide more first round picks from 2008-2013? (Use any plotting method)



qplot(Assists.Per.Game,data = nba, geom = "bar",
      facets = .~Position, 
      main = "Bar Plot of Points Per Game Drafted Faceted by Position")


Centers seemly have the least amount of assists per game, and power forwards come in a close second.


      # Line below subsets the data frame 
      data = nba[nba$College %in% c("University of Kansas","University of Kentucky"),],
      geom = "bar",
      main = "Number of Draft Picks from University of Kansas vs. University of Kentucky")

The University of Kentucky had more draft picks than the University of Kansas.